Gen X is Fed Up So They’re Taking More Vacations Alone

Gen Xers often take flak for their snarky disregard for authority and casual disdain for rules. But they also know what it’s like to have real-world problems that require a human response. And it’s those problems that are making them reticent to assert themselves as they enter their prime working years.
1. Gen X doesn’t want to be alone
Generation X has been the “forgotten generation” sandwiched between Baby Boomers and Millennials. Now, they’re taking their revenge.
In the past, Gen Xers have been accused of being apathetic, slackers, latchkey kids, and nihilistic, which is why many of them are shifting away from family trips to solo or group vacations. According to a recent Morning Consult report, more than 60% of Gen Xers say they book vacations in order to escape their daily stress—the highest percentage of any generation.
This trend is especially true for older Gen Xers who are reaching retirement age and may have more disposable income to spend on travel. Also, their children are growing up and leaving home, which can free up more time for them to plan vacations.
As a result of all this, some Gen Xers are becoming increasingly irritated with their parents and their younger siblings who don’t understand them. One counselor who goes by the name @cursingcounselor on TikTok started a conversation about this feeling when she posted an open letter to her Gen X followers.
2. They’re fed up
Gen X has been treated like the forgotten generation. The Boomers and Millennials get all the attention for changing society, and Xers are always overlooked. It’s no wonder they feel fed up.
There’s no doubt a large portion of the Gen X population is stressed out. They’re sandwiched between Boomers who depend on them for care and kids, and Millennials who are just as stressed out. They’re also saddled with student debt and an expensive housing market that makes it hard to buy a home and save for retirement at the same time.
Then there’s the fact that Gen X is seeing their kids struggle to get ahead, which makes them feel like they’re falling behind. They’re sick and tired of the endless Instagram photos from their friends’ vacations, Twitter posts by frenemies bragging about promotions, and 10 p.m. emails from their bosses asking for “thoughts.” It’s no wonder they feel overwhelmed. This is why it’s no surprise that so many Gen Xers are taking more vacations alone. It’s a way to escape from the madness and take some time for themselves.
3. They’re bored
Gen Xers have been called “the forgotten generation.” The cohort has gotten the short shrift from popular culture and researchers. They’re also known for their individualism—a trait attributed to their latchkey childhoods and a desire to carve their own path in life. Many of them have been entrepreneurs who founded companies like Google, YouTube, and PayPal.
Despite their reputation for being independent, they’re also cynical. This is largely due to the economic and societal turmoil they experienced as children and young adults. They’ve also watched their boomer and millennial parents climb the corporate ladder and eschew traditional family structures.
Those traits have made them skeptical of institutions and unwilling to trust their elders. This is a major reason why they’re shifting away from family vacations in favor of solo and friend trips. They’re also tired of the endless drama and partisan division in our country. As such, they’re seeking a respite from the daily grind of work and home life. This can be done by spending time in nature or by taking a digital detox.
4. They’re lonely
Gen X has long been stereotyped as lazy, entitled, and cynical. The generation is credited with popularizing MTV, which started broadcasting music videos 24 hours a day in 1981. Gen Xers also are credited with introducing the idea of work-life balance into the workforce.
Many of them had latchkey childhoods and experienced their parents’ dedication to working hard and saving for retirement only to face a recession that set them back. Their cynicism can be attributed to their lack of family stability and the financial stress of being self-sufficient adults.
Despite their cynicism, Gen Xers are a resourceful, independent generation that values self-sufficiency and work-life balance. They’re more likely to be open-minded and lean towards liberal political views, including support for same-sex marriage.
But despite their independence and reliance on technology, Gen X is still struggling with loneliness and isolation. They’re the generation that’s lonelier than any other age group. There are a lot of reasons why. Some have blamed social media. Others have cited the COVID-19 pandemic and delayed family formation.
5. They’re stressed
Gen X, the “forgotten generation” sandwiched between boomers and millennials, has the Rodney Dangerfield syndrome: They just don’t get any respect. Despite their numbers (53 million strong), Gen X has the least happy work life and the most financial stress, according to a new MetLife study.
They’re also more likely to suffer from the effects of mental health stigma than other generations, and many never saw a need to visit a therapist unless they’d undergone what psychologists call big “T” traumas like serving in the military or surviving an assault. Plus, many are struggling with the housing crisis and hefty student debt.
And they may feel the pressure to support children and aging parents, as well as save for retirement. So it’s no wonder that 81% of Gen Xers say they’re stressed. The good news is that travel helps them decompress and unwind, a finding supported by a recent survey from Road Scholar, an educational tour company. It found that Gen Xers are planning trips without families more frequently than any other age group, including baby boomers and millennials.